Advocating an argument-based approach, Blended Language Program Evaluation presents a framework for planning, conducting, and appraising evaluation of blended language learning across three institutional levels, and demonstrates its utility and application in four case studies carried out in diverse international contexts.
Language assessment and programme evaluation. Edinburgh University Press. McDonald, P. (2014). Sustainability in CALL learning environments: A systemic functional grammar approa . The EUROCALL Review, 22(2), 3–18.
Recently three major works have explored the evaluation of language programs (Davis and McKay 2018; Gruba et al. 2016; Healey et al. 2011). For instance, the TESOL Technology Standards volume (Healey et al. 2011) dedicates a chapter for ...
Drawing upon a large-scale original study of language faculty, instructors, program directors, and students who have experience with blended classes of thirteen languages other than English, this volume provides new information about the ...
Toward a Conceptual Framework for Mixed-Method Evaluation Designs. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 11(3), 255–274. 255 Greenhow, C., Robelia, B., ... Blended Language Program Evaluation.
The key difference between discourse analysis (DA) and critical discourse analysis/studies (CDA/S) is that, ... are to be found in the work of critical linguists working at the University of East Anglia (Fowler, Kress, Hodge, & Trew, ...
This book recognizes the associated opportunities and challenges for teachers, and provides the rationale, strategies and tools to design blended learning courses or to guide the transition from fully face-to-face or fully online courses to ...
Combines qualitative and quantitative approaches to second language program evaluation.
'Review of blended language program evaluation', Language Learning and Technology, 21(3), pp.63-66. Gruba, P., Cárdenas-Claros, M. Suvorov, R. and Rick, K., 2016. Blended learning program evaluation. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
The Handbook of Technology and Second Language Teaching and Learning presents a comprehensive exploration of the impact of technology on the field of second language learning.
A Research-Based Guide from Planning to Evaluation Daria Mizza, Fernando Rubio ... 5 The Design Phase: Planning and Organizing Blended Language Courses 5.1 Carrying Out a Needs Analysis 5.2 Program or Course Goals, Teaching Objectives, ...