This book presents a history of queer erasure in the US public school system, from the 1920s up until today. By focusing on specific events as well as the context in which they occurred, Lugg presents a way forward in improving school policies for both queer youth and queer adults.
Contact your local high school and ask them if they have a bullying and harassment policy that explicitly includes gender ... From the dress-up corner to the senior prom: Navigating gender and sexuality diversity in PreK–12 schools.
An Expansive Vocal Pedagogy (EVP) can more readily account for the inclusion of trans*, nonbinary, and intersex individuals whose vocal attributes are currently rendered illegible through TVP categorizations (Sauerland, 2018).
Tina uses tools from political science and critical policy studies to study federal and state education policy, ... Among other works, he is the author of Implementation of inclusive education in Beijing: exorcizing the haunting specter ...
... School Climate Survey: The experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth in our nation's schools. GLSEN. Lugg, C.US Public Schools and the Politics of Queer Erasure. Palgrave MacMillan (2016). Marcus, G. (2008) ...
'Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Schooling' brings together contributions from a diverse group of researchers, policy analysts, and education advocates from around the world to synthesize the practice and policy implications of ...
... Warner, M. (1999). The trouble with normal: Sex, politics, and the ethics of queer life. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. INDEX 1 1Note: Page numbers followed by “n” refer to 205 CONCLUSION: A CLOSING FOR QUEER THRIVING.
It brings the story of LGBTQ educators’ rights to the present, including commentary on Bostock v Clayton County, the 2020 Supreme Court case that struck down employment discrimination against LGBT workers.
This struggle was captured by Anita Bryant's Save Our Children campaign that fought against then emerging nondiscrimination policies protecting “homosexuals.” This campaign, while viewed as hateful by the left, was seen by Bryant as ...
“Language, Gender, and Sport: A Review of the Research Literature.” In Sport, Rhetoric, and Gender: Historical Perspectives and Media Representations, edited by Linda K. Fuller, 31–41. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US.
Lessons for Creating Just and Equitable Schools Sonia Nieto, Melanie C. Brooks, John M. Heffron, Haiyan Qian, Allan Walker, Peter McLaren, Petar Jandric, Lisa Catherine Ehrich, ... Being and the Messiah: The message of St. John.