Thoroughly updated for its third edition with the latest research in the field, this innovative text delivers an apt and comprehensive introduction to the rich and complex world of animal behaviour and cognition. Discover pivotal case studies and experiments that have irrevocably shaped how we view the psychological and social lives of animals and discover such key cognitive topics as memory, communication and sensory perception. Projecting an insightful scope into the cognitive world of animals, from considering the use of tools in birds to the dance communication system of the honey bee, Wynne and Udell analyse and explain the importance of the observations and studies that have led to the greater understanding of how animals learn, perceive social relations, form concepts, experience time and navigate space. Written by two leading researchers in the field, including the author of the best-selling popular science book Dog is Love, this textbook is a complete resource for students of animal cognition, animal behaviour or comparative psychology.
The fifty-seven original essays in this book provide a comprehensive overview of the interdisciplinary field of animal cognition.
Grene, M. (ed.) (1983) Dimensions of Darwinism - Themes and Counterthemes in Twentieth-Century Evolutionary Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ... Hull, C. L. (1943) Principles of Behavior. New York: Appleton-CenturyCrofts.
... Against Science, and The Scientific Foundation of Zoos and Aquariums: Their Role in Conservation and Research. She is involved in the zoo/aquarium community as both a researcher and an animal care volunteer. Animal Cognition 101.
Animal Cognition presents a lucid and comprehensive overview of cognitive processes in animals--bees and wasps, cats and dogs, dolphins and sea otters, pigeons, titmice, and chimpanzees--and offers a novel discussion of the ways in which ...
Covering a wide range of key topics, from reasoning and communication to sensation and complex problem-solving, this engagingly-written text presents a comprehensive survey of contemporary research on animal cognition.
Beyond Cognition to Consciousness Donald R. Griffin ... M. A., 11 Visscher, P. K., 201, 204, 208 Vitalism, 4 Vogel, G., 243 Vogelkop bowerbirds, 97 Von Uexkull, J., 4 Voslamber, B., 74 Vultures, use of stones by, 117 Waggle dances.
... A. , 614 Cink , C. , 113–14 Clark , C. W. , 131 Clark , D. A. , 566 Clark , E. , 509n9 Clark , K. , 629 Clarke , B. C. , 107 , 109 Clarkson , K. , 607 Clayton , N. S. , 53 , 62 , 146 , 149 , 155 , 160 , 170 , 242 , 372 , 560 , 602-9 ...
It will serve as a complementary resource to the handbooks and journals that have emerged in the last decade on this topic, and will be a useful resource for student and researcher alike.
The book contains chapters on animal navigation (including homing behaviour and migration), animal communication methods and research into animal language, and attempts to teach language to non-human animals.
Vocalisation of European wolves (Canis lupus lupus L.) and various dog breeds (Canis lupus f. familiaris). Archiv für Tierzucht, 43, 387–397. Feddersen-Petersen, D. U. (2007). Social Behaviour of Dogs and Related Canids.