"Risk assessment is of increasing importance as health and safety regulations grow and become more complicated. Focusing on environmental risk assessment, this book looks at various factors relating to exposure and toxicity, human health, and risk. The book is aimed at practitioners and students who need to know more about understanding, developing, conducting, and interpreting risk assessments. It provides sufficient background to enable readers to probe for themselves the science underlying the key issues in environmental risk"--
Environmental Due Diligence for Lenders: Practical Guidance on Implementing and Maintaining an Environmental Risk Management Program
The authors--economists and scientists--seek in various ways to make regulation more sensible and effective.
1995a . Strategies to Enhance Adaptability : Technological Change , Economic Growth and Free Trade . Climatic Change 30 , 427–49 . _.1995b . Richer Is Cleaner : Long Term Trends in Global Air Quality . In The True State of the Planet .
First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
See Sonja Boehmer - Christiansen , ' The Precautionary Principle in Germany Enabling Government in Timothy O'Riordan and James Cameron ( eds ) , Interpreting the Precautionary Principle ( Earthsea , London , 1994 ) , p 31 .
Risk Analysis: A Guide to Principles and Methods for Analyzing Health and Environmental Risks
Guidance on Risk Assessment and Conceptual Design of Tertiary Containment Systems for Bulk Storage of Petroleum, Petroleum Products, Or Other...