This ground-breaking volume on the relationships between tourism and innovation provides an overview of relevant innovation theories and related literatures on entrepreneurship, productivity, regional development and competitiveness, and their significance to contemporary tourism practices. Innovation is a key concept in business and entrepreneurial studies and the broader social sciences. Yet, despite its policy and academic importance, historically little attention has been given to the role of innovation in tourism and the corresponding contribution of tourism-related human mobility to regional, firm, and product innovation. This book emphasises that innovation in tourism is much more than a series of technological innovations, as important as they are, and instead needs to be understood in an economic, social, and political context, with particular stress being placed on the extent to which innovations are shaped by the framework of governance and regulation, as well as by institutional factors and activities of individual actors and entrepreneurs. It is structured so as to introduce the reader to the overall significance of innovation at various levels and the role that innovation plays in firm and place competition. Supported with case studies throughout, this book is essential reading for all tourism students.
The Creative Problem Solver: 12 Smart Tools to Solve Any Business Challenge
During stage two, called “winnowing,” Collins invites (and pays) individuals with strong discovery skills to participate on a panel to listen to inventors' ideas and evaluate whether a new product idea shows market potential.
大想法策略: 引爆革命性商機的致勝法則
Outlines the popular business trend through which abstract ideas are developed into practical applications for maximum growth, sharing coverage of its mindset, techniques and vocabulary to reveal how design thinking can address a range of ...
"Innovation Acceleration: Transforming Organizational Thinking helps readers develop an understanding of innovative organizations, the specific processes involved in corporate innovation, and how to assess an organization's readiness for ...
The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail
Recoge: Apreciaciones sobre la industria de los discos rígidos; Redes de valor y el ímpetu por la innovación; Hacer corresponder el tamaño de las organizaciones con el tamaño del mercado; El descubrimiento de mercados nuevos y ...
本书作者采访和调查了亚马逊缔造者杰夫·贝佐斯等众多研发出革命性新产品和服务的首创者,提取出创新者的"基因",即最具创意的企业家具备的五种"发现技能":联想,观察,实验,发问 ...