This book focuses on the social psychology of belief systems and how they influence perceptions of reality. The expert editors and contributors examine how beliefs lead to conflict and disagreements over values, and how those values are enacted.
The First Church of Baal at Ferguson, MO
Das erkennende Gehirn: Entdeckungen in den Netzwerken des Geistes
This Student Guide will help to: - Identify key content for the exams with our concise coverage of topics - Avoid common pitfalls with clear definitions and exam tips throughout - Reinforce learning with bullet-list summaries at the end of ...
Some modern philosophical thought tends to treat sensory experiences as a peculiar species of propositional attitude.
Human Illusions and the Biblical Call to Hope David G. Myers. tion Research , Vol . 2 , eds . , J. H. Harvey , W. Ickes , and R. F. Kidd ( Hillsdale , N. J .: Lawrence Erlbaum , 1978 , pp . 91-117 ) ; Myron Zuckerman , “ Attribution of ...
In addition Richard Burke , Charles Mabee and Michael Sevilla at nearby Oakland University provided valuable scrutiny and needed encouragement . Marcia Garland flyspecked the final draft . I owe Kendrick Frazier thanks who unbeknownst ...
When Jesse got hold of some nice person who didn't have the heart to tell him to get lost, I'd disappear into the B. Dalton book store and browse the Playboys or wander into Radio Shack and look at stereos. After the victim finally ...
The study investigated the influences that explain how some Evangelical Christians sustained their faith from childhood into emerging adulthood.
This study explored the parallels between psychological healing practice in the Cave of San Francisco and contemporary psychotherapy.