The Industrial Electronics Handbook, Second Edition combines traditional and newer, more specialized knowledge that will help industrial electronics engineers develop practical solutions for the design and implementation of high-power applications. Embracing the broad technological scope of the field, this collection explores fundamental areas, including analog and digital circuits, electronics, electromagnetic machines, signal processing, and industrial control and communications systems. It also facilitates the use of intelligent systems--such as neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary methods--in terms of a hierarchical structure that makes factory control and supervision more efficient by addressing the needs of all production components. Enhancing its value, this fully updated collection presents research and global trends as published in the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Journal, one of the largest and most respected publications in the field. Control and Mechatronics presents concepts of control theory in a way that makes them easily understandable and practically useful for engineers or students working with control system applications. Focusing more on practical applications than on mathematics, this book avoids typical theorems and proofs and instead uses plain language and useful examples to: Concentrate on control system analysis and design, comparing various techniques Cover estimation, observation, and identification of the objects to be controlled--to ensure accurate system models before production Explore the various aspects of robotics and mechatronics Other volumes in the set: Fundamentals of Industrial Electronics Power Electronics and Motor Drives Industrial Communication Systems Intelligent Systems
Subsequently, a methodology is proposed for the design of monitoring and control systems. ... in mechatronic systems. Presented sensors include motion sensors (position, distance, velocity, flow, and acceleration), force sensors, ...
This book deals with the special class of mechatronics that has enabled the exceptional levels of accuracy and speed of high-tech equipment applied in the semiconductor industry, realising the continuous shrink in detailing of micro ...
Electromechanical systems are designed, analyzed, and optimized using distinct compliant technologies and paradigms. ... and other mathematical models and quantitative descriptions are developed by applying physical laws pertaining to ...
This book introduces researchers and advanced students with a basic control systems background to an array of control techniques which they can easily implement and use to meet the required performance specifications for their mechatronic ...
This book introduces researchers and advanced students with a basic control systems background to an array of control techniques which they can easily implement and use to meet the required performance specifications for their mechatronic ...
Control Systems and Mechatronics details the concepts of control systems in a concise manner. Notions of block diagram and signal flow diagram are illustrated, with references to many problems. Various...
Mechatronics has emerged as its own discipline over the past decade, yet no reference has lived up to the demands of being a working guide for designing and implementing the new generation of mechatronic systems.
The focus of this book is control engineering applications of MATLAB® for a first course on control engineering.
Mathematical. models. Consider the following situation. A microprocessor switches on a motor. ... For example, we might form a mathematical model for a spring by assuming that the extension x is proportional to the applied force F, ...
This book introduces non-identifier-based adaptive control (with and without internal model) and its application to the current, speed and position control of mechatronic systems such as electrical synchronous machines, wind turbine systems ...