Meeting the Needs of Your Most Able Pupils: History provides specific guidance on: recognising high ability and potential planning, differentiation, extension and enrichment in Histpry teacher questioning skills support for more able pupils with special educational needs (dyslexia, ADHD, sensory impairment) homework recording and assessment beyond the classroom: visits, competitions, summer schools, masterclasses, links with universities, businesses and other organisations. The book includes comprehensive appendices with linked resources available online that feature: lesson plans and examples of activities high ability checklist information on coaching guidance on auditing provision for more able pupils. This book is an essential resource for secondary teachers, subject heads of departments, leading teachers for G&T Education (gifted and talented co-ordinators), SENCos and LA advisers.
O t h e r t i t l e s i n t h e s e r i e s MeetingtheNeeds of Your Most Able Pupils: Art Kim Earle 1 84312 331 2 978 1 84312 331 6 Meeting theNeeds of YourMost AblePupils: Design and Technology Louise T. Davies 1 84312 3304 978 1 84312 ...
This book is an essential resource for secondary teachers, subject heads of departments, leading teachers for G&T Education (gifted and talented co-ordinators), SENCos and LA advisers.
London: David Fulton Publishers. Eyre, D. and Fitzpatrick, M. (2000) Able children with additional special needs, in Benton and O'Brien (eds) Special Needs and the Beginning Teacher. London: Continuum. Freeman, J. (2005) National ...
Meeting the Needs of Your Most Able Pupils in Music covers the areas that all music teachers need to be aware of: recent government legislation, national initiatives and departmental policy.
Cognitive styles Riding and Rayner (1998) considered that learning styles, which they called cognitive styles, could be considered as falling within two dimensions. These two dimensions are wholist-analytic, depending on whether the ...
The book features comprehensive appendices and an accompanying CD with: useful contacts and resources, lesson plans, liaison sheets for teaching assistants, homework activities and monitoring sheets.
The book features comprehensive appendices and an accompanying CD with: Useful contacts and resources Lesson plans Liaison sheets for Teaching Assistants Homework activities Monitoring sheets For secondary teachers, subject heads of ...
Lynne McClure is an independent consultant in the field of mathematics education and G&T. She works with teachers and students in schools all over the UK and ... xii Meeting the Needs of Your Most Able Pupils: MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES.
... pupils. Ā„. use a single question if possible. Be patient and allow pupils thinking time to consider answers. Ask pupils to give their reasons to support their judgements. Listen accurately to pupilsĀ« responses and use what pupils say to ...
This introductory guide for class teachers in primary and secondary schools looks at current strategies for identifying able, gifted and talented children and meeting their social, emotional and educational needs.