Family businesses are the most common business form in the world, ranging from the millions of small local businesses to giants such as Walmart. This book showcases the crucial contribution that family businesses make to the world economy, and informs students of the existing and potential research in this area. Drawing upon global academic research and case studies, theories of family businesses are explained and prevailing myths and assumptions are tested. Features including exercises linked to case studies develop skills in applying theories in practice. This concise textbook is essential reading for students of family business and useful additional reading for those interested in entrepreneurship more broadly.
... both of whom kindly read portions of the book and offered their wise counsel ; Jim Carlton , who opened up a new avenue of reporting for me ; and Carrie Dolan , Marilyn Chase , and Peter Waldman , who generously lent me their ears .
FROM THE PRODUCERS, WRITERS, AND ARTISTS OF THE HIT TV SHOW! overseen by series creator LOREN BOUCHARD. Collecting issues 1-4 of the ongoing series along with all of the covers and pin-up art!
Lecciones para empresarios familiares: extraídas de los mejores trabajos de investigación Premio UdeM Adalberto Viesca Sada ala investigación en Empresa...
Lecciones para empresarios familiares: extraídas de los mejores trabajos de investigación Premio UDEM Adalberto Viesca Sada a la Investigación en...
Long Term Perspectives on Family Business: Theory, Practice, Policy: 10th Annual IFERA World Family Business Research Conference: Lancaster University Management...
本书收录包括古琦、福特、沃森、雷石东在内的著名家庭的故事,揭露家族企业的惊人内幕,讲述小小的内部纷争是如何威胁一个企业的生存。并深入洞悉董事会权利之争、家族继承及 ...
Donnelly , Robert G. “ The Family Business . ” Harvard Business Review , July - August 1964 . Dumas , Collette . ... Fisher , Roger and Ury , William . Getting to Yes : Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In . Penguin , 1981 .
When Megan's boyfriend raids her father's corporation, he destroys her family's reputation and their fortune.
Every Family's Business: 12 Common Sense Questions to Protect Your Wealth