Located in the center of Asia with one of the largest land frontiers in the world and 14 neighbors whose dispositions could not easily be predicted, China has long been obsessed with security. In this Handbook, an internationally renowned team of contributors provide a comprehensive and systematic analysis of contemporary thinking about Chinese national security. Chapters cover the PRC's historical, ideological and doctrinal heritage related to security, its security arrangements and policies targeting key regions and nations of the world, the security aspects of the PRC's ground, air, sea, space and cyber forces, as well as the changing and expanding definition and scope of China's security theory and practice. The Handbook is divided into three thematic parts: Part I focuses on national security, covering traditional views of security and the impact of China's historical experience on current security dispositions as well as non-traditional security. Part II looks at China's relations with the great powers, regional security and China's involvement with collective security organizations. Part III provides an overview of China's institutionalized security forces; looking at the army, navy, air force and Second Artillery (strategic nuclear forces) and offering analysis of China's recent interest in space as a security concern and cybersecurity. This volume is essential reading for all students of Asian Security, Chinese Politics and International Relations.
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Kyneton Mounted Rifle Corps
'The Ashgate Companion to Human Factors in Defence' draws extensively upon the work undertaken since 2003 by the Human Factors Integration Defence Technology Centre (HFI DTC) and the Haldane-Spearman Consortium (HSC).
... Calicuchima , Atahualpa o Rumiñahui , reciben igual homenaje que Pedro Vicente Maldonado , Miguel Ángel León o la “ pléyade de escritores , periodistas , artistas , educadores , artesanos ” ( Gral . Rodríguez Lara , 1973a : 18 ) .
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Treat yourself to slow seduction -- and sweet surrender! -- with these outstanding tales of three English officers who fight their most challenging battle yet: winning the love of a good woman.
The Irish girl must also have been an addict of “ Special Branch , ” “ Kojak , " " The Sweeney ” and all the other cops and robbers soap operas . " Holy Mother of God , " she muttered , nodding , turning away to check through the big ...
ASVAB Study Guide: Prep Book & Practice Test Questions Developed for test takers trying to achieve a passing score on the ASVAB test, this comprehensive study guide includes: -Quick Overview -Test-Taking Strategies -General Science ...
David Omissi, Sepoy and the Raj (London: Macmillan, 1994), p. 4. 2. Report of the Peel Commission, Appendix 55, Memo by Canning, L/Mil/7/120, British Library. 3. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 4. 5. 6. 7.