Other philosophers have argued that conspiracy theories do not deserve their bad reputation, and that conspiracy theorists do not deserve their reputation for irrationality. This book represents both sides of this important debate.
Are they becoming more common? More dangerous? Who is targeted and why? Who are the conspiracy theorists? How has technology affected conspiracy theorising? This book offers the first century-long view of these issues.
Most people believe that there is a grain of truth in most theories about conspiracies. this book is for them.
Conspiracy Theory in America investigates how the Founders’ hard-nosed realism about the likelihood of elite political misconduct—articulated in the Declaration of Independence—has been replaced by today’s blanket condemnation of ...
This book focuses on the constant tension between democracy and conspiratorial behavior in the new global order.
To that end, he discusses Richard Hofstadter's The Paranoid Style in American Politics, the militia movement, The X-Files, popular Christian apocalyptic thought, and such artifacts of suspicion as The Turner Diaries, the Illuminatus! ...
Fully sourced and referenced, this book is a serious examination of a fascinating phenomenon.
Providing an in-depth analysis of academic and media discourses, Katharina Thalmann is the first scholar to systematically trace the history and process of the delegitimization of conspiracy theory.
This is why conspiracy theories cannot be eradicated either through the creation of a more transparent government, or through any conventional means of persuasion or 'cognitive infiltration'. The latter strategy in particular ...
Web of Conspiracy is the ultimate guide for Internet-connected conspiracy theorists, buffs, and researchers and an eye-opening book for anyone who think hes heard it all.
See also Kramer, Roderick M., and Jennifer Schaffer. 2014. “Misconnecting the Dots: Origins and Dynamics of Outgroup Paranoia.” In Power, Politics, and Paranoia. Why People are Suspicious of Their leaders, eds. Jan-Willem van Prooijen ...