The book explains how and why non-alphabetic writing works well for its users; provides explanations for why it is no more difficult for children to learn than are alphabetic writing systems where they are used; and demonstrates in a number ...
The guide also outlines the classroom conditions necessary for successful writing instruction with English language learners, whether in writing workshop and/or small-group instruction. Kindergarten through grade 8.
This new edition will be quick to assert its place as the premier guide in the field.
This book offers a practical reading programme -- an ′Inside-Out′ (starting from experience) and ′Outside-In′ (starting from literature) approach to teaching which can be used with individuals, small groups and whole classes.
If the amount of matter in an object doesn't change and mass is a measure of the amount of matter, then an object's mass won't vary when it changes locations (e.g., on Earth or on the Moon). IDEAS ABOUT Mass and Weight INCORRECT CORRECT ...
Small-group Comprehension Lessons for English Language Learners Juli Kendall, Outey Khuon. teachers need to learn how ... written permission from publisher. 2 Making Sense.
Previously known as Gone Fishin', this book has brought Jay Rubin more feedback than any of his literary translations or scholarly tomes, "even if," he says, "you discount the hate mail from spin-casters and the stray gill-netter.
This volume explores and evaluates community-based literacy programs, examining how they bridge gaps in literacy development, promote dialogue, and connect families, communities, and schools.
Reading and Writing Quarterly, 30(4), 348–377. Armstrong, K., Cusumano, D., ... Analyzing teacher participation in literacy coaching activities. ... Specialized literacy professionals as literacy leaders: Results of a national survey.
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders is an in-depth encyclopedia aimed at students interested in interdisciplinary perspectives on human communication—both normal and disordered—across the lifespan.