This is an introductory American politics text covering the constitutional framework of American government, political behavior and informal institutions, the formal institutions of American government, and a concluding chapter on public policy. Every chapter highlights the most current thinking in political science research and discusses related public policy. This text teaches students to think analytically by presenting current political science theories and research in answering the engaging, big questions facing American politics today. It serves as an introduction to the discipline by reflecting the theoretical developments and types of empirical inquiry conducted by researchers.
... Jan E., 211, 328, 413, 415, 416 Lenin, Vladimir, 297 Lenz, Ryan, 631 Levinthal, Dave, 212 Levitin, Teresa E., ... 271 Mulvoy, Emily, 19 Munger, Michael C., 209, 215 Murdoch, Rupert, 284, 285 Murkowski, Lisa, 379 Myers, Ozzie, ...
Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides give all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanys: 9780415810517 .
The only undergraduate Congress text written from a rational-choice perspective.
The science debates, Yuval Levin argues, expose the deepest strengths and greatest weaknesses of both the left and the right, and present serious challenges to American democratic self-government.
This collection examines the strategic behavior of key players in American politics from the Founding Fathers to the Super PACs, by showing that political actors, though motivated by their own interests, are governed by the Constitution, ...
Wolfinger, Raymond E. 1994. “The Rational Citizen Faces Election Day or What Rational Choice Theorists Don't Tell You About American Elections.” In Elections at Home and Abroad: Essays in Honor of Warren E. Miller, ed.
lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales.” 15 Alan I. Abramowitz, “Did the Wall Street Meltdown Change the Election?” Sabato's Crystal Ball ...
... Appalachian State University Jennifer Clark, University of Houston Douglas Clouatre, Mid-Plains Community College Chris Cooper, Western Carolina University Margery Coulson-Clark, Elizabeth City State University Gary Crawley, ...
Considering American Government: A Reader, by Lydia M. Andrade and James W. Riddlesperger Jr, attempts to position struggle and competition in a contemporary context."--Publisher's website
See James A. Baker III, The Politics of Diplomacy (New York, NY: Putnam, 1995). 22. Many of these criticisms are discussed in Samantha Power's award-winning book A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide (New York, ...