Health and safety is important to everyone nowadays, especially with the burgeoning extent of legislation and regulations in the area both in UK terms but perhaps more importantly within and across the European Community. One of the industries most affected by this is the building and construction sector, which because of its traditionally poor record in this respect and its widespread and under-policed activities is now subject to the Construction, Design and Management (CDM) Regulations. These require that every project involving building or demolition work which is undertaken, regardless of the industry concerned and for what purpose, must be planned and documented according to these safety regulations and procedures. Non-compliance can attract heavy penalties, including fines and prison sentences. In addition, the possibilities of actions like this, and their contingent financial costs, are beginning to determine a whole philosophy to underpin business management. It is therefore vital to understand exactly what legal obligations and duties are inherent in either managing, contracting or carrying out a given piece of work. Lack of knowledge of this nature can prove to be very costly, so this book will show you how to find your way around the maze of rules and regulations in order to improve your business efficiency and reduce exposure to financial risk.
"The Second Edition is even better than the first. The informationis timely but what s even more important, the techniques work!
This book provides the knowledge, understanding and guidance to the CDM regulations that students in particular will need when they start working in the industry. It links in with the CIOB Education Framework at levels 2 and 3.
Sheehy , N. P. and Chapman , A. J. ( 1987 ) Industrial accidents , in C. L. Cooper and I. T. Roberston ( eds ) , International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology , John Wiley & Sons , Chichester .
A world-renowned panel of researchers and professionals in the field of construction management has compiled their best thinking on a range of subjects of interest to everyone in the field....
A Guide to Managing Health and Safety in Construction
Recently , the Hong Kong Government has proposed a scheme named " Pay For Safety Scheme ( PFSS ) " ( Hong Kong Government 1996 ) and is ... Journal of Construction Engineering and Management . ... Construction Management and Economics .
Managing Health and Safety in Construction
Construction Safety Management and Engineering
The Field Engineer must agree to the revisions prior to the activity taking place . ... E. Variances Requests for exceptions to the Owner's health and safety requirements , Contractor's approved ES & H Program and Implementation Plan ...
This book draws together leading-edge research papers from the proceedings of an international conference conducted by a commission (W099) on Safety and Health on Construction Sites of CIB, the international council of building research.