An Introduction to the Policy Process: Theories, Concepts, and Models of Public Policy Making

An Introduction to the Policy Process: Theories, Concepts, and Models of Public Policy Making
An Introduction to the Policy Process
Policy sciences
Thomas A. Birkland


Now in a thoroughly-revised 5th edition, An Introduction to the Policy Process provides students at all levels with an accessible, readable, and affordable introduction to the field of public policy. In keeping with prior editions, author Tom Birkland conveys the best current thinking on the policy process in a clear, conversational style. Designed to address new developments in both policy theory and policy making, this 5th edition includes examinations of: The Brexit referendum results and its effects on the UK, EU and world politics, as well as the 2016 election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, and the ways in which these events have caused voters and policy makers to rethink their assumptions. Changes to the media environment, including the decline of newspapers and television news, the growth of social media, and the emergence of 'fake news.' New policy theory developments like the emergence of the Narrative Policy Framework (NPF) and continued and newer applications of existing theories of policy process like Advocacy Coalitions, Multiple Streams, Punctuated Equilibrum, and Instituitonal Analysis and Development. All new "What Does the Research Say?" boxes to illustrate concepts outlined in the book, demonstrate the ways in which the material is applicable to a range of policy problems, and encourage students to further study the policy process and substantive policy matters in which they are interested. All new and updated chapter 'at a glance' outlines, definitions of key terms, provocative review questions, recommended reading, visual aids and case studies, theoretical literature, and PowerPoint slides and Test Banks, to make teaching from the book easier than ever. Firmly grounded in both social science and political science, An Introduction to the Policy Process provides the most up-to-date and thorough overview of the theory and practice of the policy process, ideal for upper level undergraduate and introductory graduate courses in Public Policy, Public Administration, and Political Science programs.

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