The French revolutionary shift from monarchical to popular sovereignty came clothed in a new political language, a significant part of which was a strange coupling of happiness and rights. In Old Regime ideology, Frenchmen were considered subjects who had no need of understanding why what was prescribed to them would be in the interest of their happiness. The 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen equipped the French with a list of inalienable rights and if society would respect those rights, the happiness of all would materialize. This volume explores the authors of fictional literature who contributed alongside pamphleteers, politicians, and philosophers to the establishment of this new political arena, filled with sometimes vague, yet insisting notions of happiness and rights. The shift from monarchical to popular sovereignty and the corollary transition from subjects to citizens culminated in the summer of 1789 but it was preceded by an immense piece of imaginative work.
This volume explores the authors of fictional literature who contributed alongside pamphleteers, politicians, and philosophers to the establishment of this new political arena, filled with sometimes vague, yet insisting notions of happiness ...
Translated by Ross Mitchell Guberman, Columbia UP, 1995. Nouvelles maladies de l'ame. LIbrairie Artheme Fayard, 1993. Kristeva, Julia. Revolution in Poetic Language. Translated by Margaret Waller, Columbia UP, 1984.
Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature 13 Daniel Defoe and the Representation of Personal Identity ... Anaclara Castro-Santana 18 Reimagining Society in 18th Century French Literature Happiness and Human Rights Jonas Ross ...
Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature 13 Daniel Defoe and the Representation of Personal Identity ... Anaclara Castro-Santana 18 Reimagining Society in 18th Century French Literature Happiness and Human Rights Jonas Ross ...
Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature 14 15 16 17 18 19 The Future of Feminist Eighteenth-Century ... Henry Fielding Anaclara Castro-Santana Reimagining Society in 18th Century French Literature Happiness and Human Rights ...
18 Reimagining Society in 18th Century French Literature Happiness and Human Rights Jonas Ross Kjærgård 19 On Declaring Love Eighteenth-Century Literature and Jane Austen Fred Parker 20 Before Crusoe Defoe, Voice, and the Ministry Penny ...
Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature 17 Errors and Reconciliations Marriage in the Plays and Novels of Henry Fielding Anaclara Castro-Santana 18 Reimagining Society in 18th Century French Literature Happiness and Human ...
Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature 15 16 17 18 19 20 Wordsworth Before Coleridge The Growth of the ... Fielding Anaclara Castro-Santana Reimagining Society in 18th Century French Literature Happiness and Human Rights ...
N.p., n.d. Réponse à la Question Quels sont les moyens, conciliables avec la Législation Française, d'animer & d'étendre le Patriotisme dans le Tiers Etat?Proposée pour sujet du Concours en 179o, par la Société Royale des Sciences ...
Using a practice of reading queerly, Rutler shows how these works illuminate the unparalleled potential of queer forms of kinship to dismantle the patriarchy and help us imagine what might eventually take its place.