Revised edition of The public policy primer, 2010.
本书通过大量最新的政策案例, 描述和分析了政策制定的政治和社会环境, 把美国的情况与其他国家进行了比较, ...
This book is an English version of a successful text* on public policy analysis originally written for policy practitioners in Switzerland and France.
This book offers a brief history of domestic public policy since the New Deal.
Baron argues that our well-meant and deeply felt intuitions about what is right often prevent us from achieving the results we want.
Guba,E. and Lincoln,Y. (1987) 'The countenances of fourth-generation evaluation: description, judgment and negotiation', in D. Palumbo (ed) The politics ofprogram evaluation, CA: Sage. Guba, E. and Lincoln,Y. (1989) Fourth generation ...
Public Policy and Politics in America
(5) Jeffrey Cohen, Politics and Economic Policy in the United States (Houghton Mifflin: 1997), 376 p. (6) Paul Gemmill and Ralph Blodgett, Current Economic Problems 3rd ed. (Harper and Brothers: 1947), 768 p. (7) Melvin Dubnick and Alan ...
本书内容包括理论起点, 追踪美国的政策变迁, 政治中的结构和背景文化三部分.