Public administration is a craft that demands real-world application of concepts and theories often learned in a classroom. Yet many students find it difficult to make the leap from theory to practice completely unaided. The Public Administration Workbook, 8e is specifically designed with the theoretically-grounded, practice-minded student in mind. It reviews scholarship in political science, law, industrial psychology, and the sociology of organizations and then allows students to see how these intellectual fields inform the analytical and managerial tasks that comprise public administration. Where standard public administration textbooks examine the nature of public agencies and explain how bureaucracies relate to other institutions, this workbook promotes a more effective way of learning by doing and more directly prepares those who will pursue careers in public agencies. Each chapter begins with a discussion of relevant concepts and scholarship before moving into a hands-on exercise analyzing core analytical and management challenges. This edition includes an all-new exercise on contract negotiation, many international examples interwoven throughout the book, and a fully updated HRM section to reflect alternative ranking and compensation systems. Each chapter is further supported by a detailed Instructor s Manual written by the author to guide instructors on solutions, explanations, and ideas for using or modifying the exercises to fit a variety of course needs, as well as downloadable datasets and exercises, providing students with a unique opportunity to apply and test classroom concepts outside of the job. "
For example , a manager may decide that she can determine the amount of time an office spends in nonproductive socializing by measuring the office's consumption of coffee and fountain water ( this fountain uses bottled water ) .
Instructor's Manual to Accompany Public Administration: Concepts Reading Skills
Study Guide [for] Public Administration and Public Affairs, Eighth Edition
Marshall Plan or Aid : The Second World War reduced the world economy to shambles and left millions of people as destitute , sick and hungry . The world economy needed revival , and the poor and homeless required rehabilitation .
Marshall Dimock . “ Administration is concerned with the ' what and the ' how ' of Government . The ' what is the subject - matter , the technical knowledge of a field which enables an administrator to perform his tasks .
本书通过24个涉及公共和非公共部门的当代实际的角色扮演案例,这些案例研究涉及公共行政实践的核心任务和该研究领域的主要方面 ...
Instructor's Manual to Accompany: Doing Public Administration : Exerciese, Essays, and Cases
Test Item File [for] Public Administration and Public Affairs, Eighth Edition