This new introductory textbook provides students with the tools they need to understand the way digital technologies have transformed the global media business of the 21st century. In addition to introducing today's convergent world of global media, the book gives readers a greater understanding of their own roles within the media industries.
Videoworkshop for Mass Communication: Instructor Teaching Guide with CD-ROM
Videoworkshop for Introduction to Mass Communication
News in a Digital Age: Comparing the Presentation of News Information Over Time and Across Media Platforms
Wissenschaft kommunizieren und mediengerecht positionieren - Heft 7: Erfolgreiche Positionierung: Good Practices
Revision of the author's Digital media contracts.
Klaus Jensen , “ Mixed Media : From Digital Aesthetics towards General Communication Theory , ” Northern Lights 5 ( 2007 ) : 18–20 . Jensen's three degrees of mediation mirror Walter Ong , Orality and Literacy , ( London : Routledge ...
Laurel, Brenda (Hrsg.) (1992): The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design. Reading. Lee, Judith Yaross (1996): Charting the Codes of Cyberspace. A Rhetoric of Electronic Mail. In: Lane Strate/Ronald Jacobson/Stephanie B. Gib- son ...
Global Culture: nationalism, globalization and modernity, London: Sage, 1990. Fuchs, C. and Horak, E. 'Africa and the digital divide', Telematics and Informatics 25 (2008): 99–116. Gaines, Jane M. Contested Cultures: the image, ...
Internet und Multimedia in der öffentlichen Verwaltung: Gutachten
新學習時代: 主動力是真學習