Supporting and challenging cooperating teachers to grow in their mentoring and coaching practices with preservice teachers and also in their own work as classroom teachers, this practical guide presents and illustrates the Coaching with CARE model�a framework for reflection and action that helps cultivate a perspective on teaching that puts students at the center of teacher preparation and places value on apprenticeship and participation in learning. The CARE model takes a turn away from traditional evaluation-based "training" approaches, offering a way for cooperating teachers, and facilitators and university teacher educators who work with them, to come together to shape innovative coaching and mentoring experiences for preservice teachers. Mentoring Preservice Teachers Through Practice, building on the authors� own work with cooperating teachers, is based on the most recent research on learning to teach and supporting preservice teachers and grounded in the realities of teacher education today. Each chapter includes questions for discussion and suggested readings that can be used to explore the focus of the chapter more deeply as well as relevant research reports published by the authors.
"An abundance of research suggests that effective school leaders are vital to promoting student outcomes in schools across the United States.
In primary and secondary schools and in colleges and universities mentoring is being used increasingly to enhance education in a variety of ways.
Ease the transition process for Year 7 pupils: a guide to organising a 'buddy' programme
Designed for mentors, administrators, and teacher educators, Mentoring Across Boundaries builds on the foundations of the authors' previous book, Mentoring Beginning Teachers, to explore many of the specific issues that impact the mentoring ...
Roberson , S. y Roberson , R. , “ The role and practice of the principal in developing novice first - year teachers2 " Clearing House , vol . 82 , núm . 3 , 2009 , pp . 113-118 . Este libro se terminó de imprimir en noviembre de 2012 ...
Azwell, Tara S., Harvey C. Foyle, Lawrence Lyman, and Nancy L. Smith. Constructing Curriculum in Context. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt, ... Blackburn, B., C. Johnson-Taylor, and E. Young. “Effective Communication: The Key to a Successful ...
Mentoring: Towards an Oxford Initiative
Increasingly, schools are tapping into the benefits of mentoringpupils, whether it's to improve behaviour, attainment orattendance; to tackle bullying or enhance self-esteem; to supportstudy initiatives; to unlock hidden talent or to assist ...
This Handbook is a leading source of ideas and information on mentoring and coaching. It covers national and international research on schools, higher education, and disciplines within and beyond education.
Coaching for the ITI Model: Delivering on the Promise