Teaching Gender: Feminist Pedagogy and Responsibility in Times of Political Crisis addresses the neoliberalization of the university, what this means in real terms, and strategic pedagogical responses to teaching within this context across disciplines and region. Inspired by bell hooks' "transgressive school" and Donna Haraway's "responsibility," this collection promotes a politics of care within the classroom through new forms of organizational practices. It engages with the challenges and possibilities of teaching students about women and gender by examining the multiple pedagogical, theoretical, and political dimensions of feminist learning. The book revisits how we can reconfigure a feminist politics of responsibility that is able to respond to or engage with contemporary crises. It also conceptualizes crisis and explains how it is transforming contemporary societies and affecting individual vulnerabilities and institutional structures. Finally, it offers practical cases from different European locations, in which crisis and responsibility have served to reformulate contemporary feminist pedagogies, altering curriculums, reframing institutions, and affecting the process of teaching and learning.
Sociology of Education in Canada utilizes a contemporary theoretical focus to analyze how education in Canada is affected by pre-existing and persistent inequalities among members of society.
School and Society
Foundations of Education: Social Perspectives
A Social History of Public Schooling in the United States City University of New York David Nasaw Professor of History College of Staten ... David Brody, Steelworkers in America: The Nonunion Era (New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1969), p.
Graduation Addresses Delivered on Graduation Day, 28 June 1974 [at The] University of Stirling
SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION: Emerging Perspectives
A collection of materials that relate to weeks 7-13 Unit A including Study Guide Competing Realities dealing with various theories of social differentiation before proceeding to a practical consideration of class structure in Australia and ...
There remained in this subject an abundance of complications and contradictions. This volume addresses the central questions of Kennedy versus Congress and Kennedy ver.
Conflict and Change in Education: A Sociological Introduction
The Social Location of Teacher Perspectives: And Revision 1