First used in astronomy to correct for blur in ground-based telescopes due to atmospheric turbulence, adaptive optics is now used in vision science to provide diffraction limited imaging of individual retinal cells and to determine the effect of ocular aberrations on the visual acuity and accommodation control. This book provides an introduction to adaptive optics as applied to vision science. The aim is to make the topics tangible for someone completely new to the field, regardless of their discipline. It covers all main concepts including how to develop a basic system from the ground up and also includes information on the current state-of-the-art systems.
Mainster MA, Timberlake GT, Webb RH, Hughes GW. Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy. Clinical Applications. Ophthalmology. 1982; 89: 852—857.
This open access book provides a comprehensive overview of the application of the newest laser and microscope/ophthalmoscope technology in the field of high resolution imaging in microscopy and ophthalmology.
This book helps lower the barriers to entry for these researchers. It also guides readers in selecting the approach that works best for their own applications.
This book was written for those interested in the multidisciplinary technology and those who need a broad-brush explanation without wading through thousands of journal articles.
Handbook of Visual Optics offers an authoritative overview of encyclopedic knowledge in the field of physiological optics.
Adaptive Optics for Biological Imaging brings together groundbreaking research on the use of adaptive optics for biological imaging. The book builds on prior work in astronomy and vision science.
Hurvich, L. M. and Jameson, D. (1955) Some quantitative aspects of opponent-colors theory. ... Johnson, E. N., Hawken, M. J. and Shapley, R. (2001) The spatial transformation of color in the primary visual cortex of the macaque meonkey.
16. Robert K. Tyson, Introduction to Adaptive Optics (SPIE Tutorial Texts in Optical Engineering, 2000), vol. 41. Robert Tyson, Adaptive Optics Engineering Handbook, Optical Science and Engineering (CRC Press, 1999).
Handbook of Visual Optics offers an authoritative overview of encyclopedic knowledge in the field of physiological optics.
Handbook of Visual Optics offers an authoritative overview of encyclopedic knowledge in the field of physiological optics.