Drama and Education provides a practical, comprehensive guide to drama as a tool for teaching and learning. It is among the first practical drama and performance textbooks that address brain-based, neuroscientific research, making the argument that creativity is necessary in our lives, that embodied learning is natural and essential, and that contextual learning helps us find our place in society in relationship to other peoples and cultures. As well as a historical and theoretical overview of the field, it provides rationale and techniques for several specific methodologies:linear drama, process-oriented drama, drama for social justice, and performance art. Each approach is supplemented with sample lesson plans, activities, ideas for differentiation, and extensive bibliographies. The topics are discussed from five key angles: * Historical and theoretical foundations * Curricular applications * Practical toolkits for a range of classrooms and learning environments * Different strategies for lesson plans * Extension options for longer workshops. Alongside these core methods, the integration of other innovative forms--from performance art to Theatre of the Oppressed--into drama-based learning is explored, as well as the pragmatic concerns such as assessment, planning, and advocacy for arts learning and arts education partnerships. Drama and Education is the comprehensive textbook for teachers and students on Applied Theatre and Theatre and Education courses.
From Page to Stage: 50 Original Stories for Classroom Drama
From Page to Stage: 30 Original Stories for Classroom Drama
A WIDER VIEW OF CHANGE Parker Palmer Parker Palmer (2007) is a thought-provoking educator and writer whose ideas resonate with Dee Hock's call to leave Industrial Age thinking and embrace “alternatives ripe with hope and rich with ...
" Part food for thought, part instruction manual, part stories and scripts to explore, and part encouragement to recharge, this practical book offers a comprehensive approach to using role play and discussion to build meaningful language ...
... 1987) Theodorou, M Ideas That Work in Drama (Stanley Thornes, 1990) Drama as a mainstream subject: Theory and Practice Bolton, G Drama as Education (Longman, 1984) Heathcote, D Collected Writings on Education and Drama (Hutchinson, ...
KEN ROBINSON Evaluating TIE Why and how should TIE companies evaluate their work ? Evaluation has become a dominant issue in all areas of education . Public interest in ' standards ' , a lack of money , together with gradual ...
Primary Drama Handbook
Pioneer Journeys: Drama in Museum Education
Includes essays by Gavin Bolton, Chris Lawrence and Dorothy Heathcote which were presented at a joint conference entitled Education or Catastrophe, April 1992, and an essay by Jonothan Neelands presented at the National Drama Conference, ...
Teachers were encouraged to plan opportunities for student writing as an intrinsic element in the students' drama work, and to focus on writing assignments and topics integral to the development of a drama theme.