Understanding of the theories that underpin international political economy (IPE), and their practical applications, is crucial to the study of international relations, politics, development and economics. This is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the field, with an engaging and coherent foundation to the subject. It considers traditional and alternative approaches to IPE, and in doing so elucidates key concepts, assumptions and the intellectual and historical context in which they arose and developed. At all times, it makes clear their relevance to issues from trade, finance and government, to environment, technology, health, labour, security, migration, development and culture. The book encourages independent reflection and critical thinking through a range of in-text guiding features. In addition, each chapter presents theoretical analysis alongside contemporary issues, helping the reader to relate to the real world of IPE and to better understand how theory helps inform interpretation of it. New to this edition: comprehensively updated to include key coverage of the post-2015 framework of the Sustainable Development Goals, the financial crisis and international government responses - successful or otherwise - to recent challenges; fully updated data, reflective questions, recommended readings, concept and example boxes, and illustrations; new chapters on health, migration and labour; additional coverage of trade theories and key contemporary issues, such as national versus human security, economic versus human development and illegal networks in global trade.
San Francisco: HoldenDay, Inc. Schweizer, F., Ford, W. K., Jr., Jedrzejewski, R., and Giovanelli, R. 1987. The Structure and Evolution of Hoag's Object. The Astrophysical Journal 320: 454–463. Shostak, G. S. 1999. In Touch at Last.
Stanley Hauerwas and William H. Willimon, Resident Aliens: A Provocative Christian Assessment of Culture and Ministryfor People Who Know That SomethingIs Wrong (Nashville: Abingdon, 1989), 41. 20. Stanley Hauerwas, “The End of Religious ...
These are think tanks of a different sort from the conventional ones that advise political and corporate elites.
William Tabb advocates a new financial architecture to meet the real needs of the world in the 21st century.
Combining historical analysis with current affairs, economist Stephen D. King provides a provocative and engaging account of why globalization is being rejected, what a world ruled by rival states with conflicting aims might look like, and ...
The trade of South India from the ninth to the thirteenth century and the role that the Tamil merchant guilds played in it have been the subject of a classic article by Burton Stein (1965) and a detailed pioneering study by Meera ...
Davies, J. C., and]. Mazurek. 1998. Pollution Control in the United States. Washington, DC: Resources for the Future. Davis, J. 1988. ReformingLondon: The London GovernmentProblem 1855-1900. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
States, Security Function and the New Global Forces
Globalization's 'Poster Children' China, India and a handful of East Asian countries are often used to support the so-called 'rising tide' story about globalization in which sustained economic growth leads to higher standards of living ...
La filosofía en la era de globalización