Makers, Crafters, Educators brings the do-it-yourself (DIY) ethos of maker and crafter movements into educational environments, and examines the politics of cultural change that undergird them. Addressing making and crafting in relation to community and schooling practices, culture, and place, this edited collection positions making as an agent of change in education. In the volume's five sections-Play and Hacking, Access and Equity, Interdependence and Interdisciplinarity, Cultural and Environmental Sustainability, and Labor and Leisure-authors from around the world present a collage of issues and practices connecting object making, participatory culture, and socio-cultural transformation. Offering gateways into cultural practices from six continents, this volume explores the participatory culture of maker and crafter spaces in education and reveals how community sites hold the promise of such socio-cultural transformation.
Todd , Frank Morton . The Story of the Exposition . New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons , 1921 . Trapp , Kenneth R. Introduction to American Art Pottery . New York : Cooper - Hewitt Museum , 1987 . The Arts and Crafts Movement in California ...
Miss Wolfe, who knew the incumbent, Dr. Robert]. Nevin (r839—r9o6), was one of those who helped to finance the project. Burne-Jones also had American buyers for his pictures.The earliest, apart from Norton, seems to have been William ...
Barbara Stickley died on February 24 , 1902 , Williams Binghamton City Directory 1902 , J. E. Williams of Binghamton , New York , 512. Throughout the years both she and Charles appear to have housed a number of other family members .
115 small table and laborers, it;, 114 table and clock. 1 04. vi Stickles, Leopold See Sricldey. L, & |. ... 166 Walton. George. 64. 69 70, 73 armchair, country, 72 coat tree. 69 Holland cabinet -3 Liberty & Co.. 60 t^ueen Anne inspired ...
1860 Ann S Derr Prats ! www br por Red House was designed by Philip Webb as the first home of his associate , William Morris , and his new bride Janey in 1859. Although it is based on Gothic revival and incorporates some of its motifs ...
La exposición explora las múltiples facetas del diseñador, artesano, empresario, poeta, ensayista y agitador social William Morris (1834-1896), así como de las principales figuras del movimiento Arts and Crafts.
... Leopold ( Lee ) , 7 , 149 , 151 Stiles , Elizabeth , 54 Stillwater , MN , 149 Stoeckel , Gustavus . ... See Nichols , Maria Longworth Stout Manual Training School , 24 Stowe , Harriet cher , 142 Street , G. E. , 5 stucco , 44 , 45 ...
The Arts & Crafts Movement
The Spiritual Arts and Crafts
William Morris and the Arts and Crafts Movement: A Design Source Book