Written from a developmental perspective, Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology is organized around five prominent and recurring themes: the course of normal development proceeds in an orderly and predictable direction; maladaptive behaviors represent deviations from the normal path; maladaptive behavior is represented by a continuum of severity (symptoms, syndromes, disorders) based on the degree to which behaviors deviate from the norm; individual, interpersonal, contextual and cultural factors interact in a reciprocal way to influence normal development and abnormal deviations; theoretical input from diverse perspectives can guide our understanding of underlying processes that precipitate and maintain behaviors and the different developmental pathways that might result. The revision will be divided into 5 sections, all integrating the DSM-5, and will include a new chapter on child maltreatment and self injurious behavior.
Acp Abnorm Child Psy
Lenneberg , E. H. , 137 , ( 136-7 ) , 157 , 162 , 185 Lennox , K. , 362 , 366 Lerner , E. A. , 41 , 65 Lesser , L. C. ... J. , 279 , 296 Lieberman , R. P. , 338 , 355 , 369 Liebman , R. , 249 , 256 Lindsey , O. R. , 278 , 294 Linehan ...
Severe Behaviour Disorders of Children and Youth: Conference Papers
Covers the foundations of personality theory and the impact of personality on normal functioning.
Child Psychiatry & Behavioral Pediatrics Case Studies: A Compilation of 59 Clinical Studies
PYCK , K. , Kinderpsichoputhologie en Inleiding in de Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie , Delen 1 en 2 , Leuven , Acco , 1977 . Redl , F. , Strategy and Techniques of the Life - Space - Interview , American Journal of Orthopsychiatry ...
Counselling Children with Psychological Problems
Our brightest, most creative children and adults are often being misdiagnosed with behavioral and emotional disorders such as ADHD, Oppositional-Defiant Disorder, Bipolar, OCD, or Asperger?s.