This book is divided into 4 parts: Part 1 defines fibromyalgia, describes what causes it, and lists the challenges it can pose Part 2 outlines treatment options Part 3 describes strategies for managing fibromyalgia Part 4 outlines steps ...
This volume is the first comprehensive text devoted to fibromyalgia and other centrally mediated chronic pain syndromes.
Fibromyalgia For Dummies, Second Edition, brings you the latest scientific findings on the symptoms and causes of this disease and guides you toward proven, practical steps you can take reduce or eliminate FMS-related pain.
In this completely updated edition, Gayle Backstrom, who has FM, and Dr. Bernard Rubin explain and demystify this chronic muscle pain syndrome.
Part of the Oxford American Rheumatology Library, this concise guide serves as a practical, user-friendly reference for physicians and other health care professionals.
“Coming from one of the most reliable, respected health resources that Americans have, this book is the first one a newly diagnosed patient should consult.” —Publishers Weekly Drawing on decades of experience in treating fibromyalgia, ...
Stephen M. Stahl Sara Ball. __ Stahl's Illustratérd Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia Stephen M. Stahl CAMBRIDGE Medicine more information — www.cambridge.orgl9780521133227 Stahl's Illustrated Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia Stephen M. Stahl ...
Is chronic fatigue syndrome an early process of muscle aging? Is fibromyalgia a central pain state? This book covers the latest developments in pain research as presented at the Fifth World Congress on Myofascial Pain (MYOPAIN 2001).
This guide to fibromyalgia discusses its various causes and symptoms, the role of stress and other factors, and the different conventional and alternative remedies available.
Beyond Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome will be a valuable resource to promote the prompt diagnosis of patients with this complex, multisystem, and often devastating disorder; enhance public understanding; and provide a ...