This book outlines the constitutional systems of the six Australian states and ten Commonwealth territories. It begins with their history, basic features, role and future within the Australian federation. Its primary focus is on the binding constitutional restrictions which impact on their parliaments and governments. These issues are also dealt with in relation to the three self-governing territories of the ACT, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. It is the only Australian legal reference work of its kind which deals specifically with the constitutional systems of the states and territories. This book is for all law students and constitutional law teachers as well as legal advisors to commonwealth, state and territory governments and parliaments. It will also be of interest to Supreme, Federal, and High Court judges, political scientists working in the area of federalism and anyone with an interest in constitutional affairs.
This book outlines the constitutional systems of the six Australian states and ten Commonwealth territories.
This book takes a conceptual rather than chronological approach to topics. With focussed rather than lengthy case extracts, the book explains what the law is and why various interpretations have been adopted.
Fundamental reform of State Constitutions is needed now more than ever. Indeed, the process is under way in all States and Territories.
This provocative book argues that Australia is already a federal republic rather than a constitutional monarchy.
... Australian Journal of Political Science , 25 ( 2 ) : 339-49 . Maddox , Graham . 1989. The Hawke Government and Labor Tradition ...
... The Chameleon Crown, n 62. 91 Constitution Alteration (Establishment of Republic) 1999. 92 Twomey, The Chameleon Crown, n 62, chs. 8–12. 93 For the wider, British Commonwealth context in which these negotiations were conducted, see PC ...
Section 51(xxxi) is the oldest property clause among Commonwealth countries with written constitutions: Tom Allen 'Commonwealth Constitutions and the Right not to be Deprived of Property' (1993) 42 International & Comparative Law ...
45 Roy Morgan Research, above n. 2, 4. 46 Issues Deliberation Australia, The ACT Deliberates: An ACT bill of rights? (2002). 47 See WA Committee, above n. 13, 8. The advertisement was published in The West Australian on 24 July 2007.
21 Bott and Talbot-Stokes (n 2) 9. 22 Sanderson and Kelly (n 2) 5. 23 Bott and Talbot-Stokes (n 2) 9. 24 Sarah Blakeslee, ʻThe CRAAP Testʼ (2004) 31(3) LOEX Quarterly 6. 25 Ibid, 6. 26 Bott and Talbot-Stokes (n 2) 65.
The Australian Federal System: With United States Analogues