Responsible fisheries management is of increasing interest to the scientific community, resource managers, policy makers, stakeholders and the general public. Focusing solely on managing one species of fish stock at a time has become less of a viable option in addressing the problem. Incorporating more holistic considerations into fisheries management by addressing the trade-offs among the range of issues involved, such as ecological principles, legal mandates and the interests of stakeholders, will hopefully challenge and shift the perception that doing ecosystem-based fisheries management is unfeasible. Demonstrating that EBFM is in fact feasible will have widespread impact, both in US and international waters. Using case studies, underlying philosophies and analytical approaches, this book brings together a range of interdisciplinary topics surrounding EBFM and considers these simultaneously, with an aim to provide tools for successful implementation and to further the debate on EBFM, ultimately hoping to foster enhanced living marine resource management.
Contributed by experts from the Pacific regions as well as the UK and Non-pacific States, this book is one of the first available compendiums on this important movement and will be applicable to fisheries scientists and researchers, ...
Brings together a wide range of information - ecology, fisheries, oceanography, mathematics, risk-assessment, resource economics, and institutional dynamics - to show how we can better understand, address trade-offs in, and implement ...
This book analyses the law-making of ecosystem-based fisheries management in marine areas beyond national jurisdiction as a post-development of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) so as to avoid stocks collapse and ...
This book provides cutting-edge scientific idea and novel concepts on the ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management.
Inspired by the work of the renowned fisheries scientist Daniel Pauly, this book provides a detailed overview of ecosystem-based management of fisheries.
The meaning of the terms "ecosystem management", "ecosystem-based management", "ecosystem approach to fisheries" (EAF), etc., are still not universally defined and progressively evolving.
Ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) has been extensively discussed but rarely applied to management of fishery resources in the United States.
The ecosystem approach to the management of oceans and their resources was consolidated in Agenda 21. Practical application of this approach is still in early stages of development by regional...
" "The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries covers both theoretical andapplied aspects of sustainable management, with a particular emphasis on reviewing concepts and addressing implementation issues in the form of case studies from around the ...
Ecosystem-based Fishery Management and the Reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act: Oversight Hearing Before the Subcommittee on...