Distinguishing four sources of power in human societies - ideological, economic, military and political - The Sources of Social Power traces their interrelations throughout human history. This second volume deals with power relations between the Industrial Revolution and the First World War, focusing on France, Great Britain, Hapsburg Austria, Prussia/Germany and the United States. Based on considerable empirical research, it provides original theories of the rise of nations and nationalism, of class conflict, of the modern state and of modern militarism. While not afraid to generalize, it also stresses social and historical complexity. Michael Mann sees human society as 'a patterned mess' and attempts to provide a sociological theory appropriate to this, his final chapter giving an original explanation of the causes of the First World War. First published in 1993, this new edition of Volume 2 includes a new preface by the author examining the impact and legacy of the work.
Sidney Homer of Salomon Brothers , investment bankers , has said the " instituInvestment Portfolios ( Billions of $ ) * ( excluding real. * “ Are the Institutions Wrecking Wall Street ? ” Business Week ( June 2 , 1973 ) .
With a unique combination of selected readings and student-centred tasks in a single volume, the book covers contemporary issues in language and power, ranging from the global to the interpersonal.
An Introduction to the Social Sciences Thomas R. Dye ... The Court's 1973 decision in Roe v . ... Liberals worried that the appointment of conservative Clarence Thomas by President Bush in 1991 would result in an emergence ...
An Introduction to the Social Sciences Thomas R. Dye ... The Court's 1973 decision in Roe v . ... Liberals worried that the appointment of conservative Clarence Thomas by President Bush in 1991 would result in an emergence of a ...
Power: Transforming Its Practices
This book seeks to extend the theoretical reflections on the relationship of religious phenomena in the socio-political sphere in African societies.
Es scheint , als habe Ulla Berkéwicz , die als Ursula Schmidt und Tochter des Chefarztes , Wissenschaftlers und Schriftstellers Werner Schmidt und der Schauspielerin Herta Stoepel auf die Welt kam , schon sehr früh jeden Lebensruf ...
This book critiques and extends the analysis of power in the classic, Who Rules America?, on the fiftieth anniversary of its original publication in 1967--and through its subsequent editions.
Die Politik des Begehrens: Sexualität, Pornographie und neuer Puritanismus in den USA