This book lays out the fundamentals of both the investigation and management of children with gynaecological conditions - an area of work which can be intimidating for many gynaecologists. The contents cover: pubertal growth and development; indeterminate genitalia; gynaecological problems in childhood; endocrine disorders; child sexual abuse; amenorrhoea; menstrual problems in teenagers; contraception; female genital mutilation; and gynaecological tumours. The book is primarily designed to provide a comprehensive summary for candidates preparing for the Part 2 MRCOG examination, and as such covers the RCOG curriculum for paediatric and adolescent gynaecology. It is also a valuable guide for all healthcare professionals working in the field, at any level of practice.
Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology
This book, aimed at trainees and consultants in the field and all healthcare professionals working in the multidisciplinary team providing care for girls with gynaecological conditions, offers practical, detailed advice on dealing with this ...
Centered upon a series of common clinical presentations, this book includes stepwise guidance on the initial investigations, management, and treatment options.
Fully updated, second edition covering both normal and abnormal conditions.
This book covers a broad area-the problems associated with female develop ment-from the appearance of gender abnormalities in the delivery room, through the trials of pubescence, early maturation, and precocious child bearing.
This book provides an overview of developmental anomalies, disorders and intersex conditions.
This book is aimed at MRCOG candidates, covering all aspects of gynaecological oncology.
This is an essential guide to gynaecological and obstetric histopathology for MRCOG candidates.
The book begins with a discussion of patterns of gynecological disorders during childhood and adolescence.
Published titles in the MRCOG and Beyond series Antenatal Disorders for the MRCOG and Beyond by Andrew Thomson and Ian Greer Fetal Medicine for the MRCOG and Beyond by Alan Cameron, Lena Macara, Janet Brennand and Peter Milton ...