Considers egregious cases of ethically dubious behaviour before public international tribunals.
(3) The ISS Case.
Some recent contentious issues about the use of evidence in cases before the International Court of Justice have highlighted the importance of fact-finding and the use of evidence before this...
In Principles of Evidence in Public International Law as Applied by Investor-State Tribunals, Kabir Duggal and Wendy Cai explore the fundamental principles of evidence and how these principles relate to burden of proof and standard of proof ...
... of Substantive Legal Norms and Arbitral Adjudication : The Case of the Iran - United States Claims Tribunal T.E. Carbonneau in : Iran - United States Claims Tribunal 1981-1983 ( Seventh Sokol Colloquium ] ( R.B. Lillich , ed .
In this volume, black-letter Rules of Professional Conduct are followed by numbered Comments that explain each Rule's purpose and provide suggestions for its practical application.
... evidence before international courts, including the ICJ, and if this is so ... Public nature of the proceedings Unlike the proceedings in most ... Fraudulent Evidence before Public International Tribunals: The Dirty Stories of ...
This book provides a historical, theoretical and practical background on public policy in dispute resolution with a focus on cross-border and transnational disputes.
... evidence which Qatar had put forward to support its case was challenged as fraudulent ... tribunals in recent years and analogous problems have been encountered when ... public, not a private objective. In relation to fraud by foreign investors ...
2 Dispute Settlement Under UNCLOS
A comprehensive study of the topical issue of fact-finding which makes realistic proposals to address the ICJ's problematic practice in this area.