This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1900 edition. Excerpt: that if it did not involve a very serious danger. Now, every lawyer knows and every man who has been upon the bench knows better than any practicing lawyer who has not been upon the bench, that the most dangerous thing to come into the court is an em parts case. You come into the court with an appeal, one side of it written up, and argued and the other side left to the court; I tell you, gentlemen, it is embarking upon a dangerous experiment. In the first place, what would be the result with the court? Take the Appellate Courts in this county, they do not, of course, have so much of this criminal business, and I need not instance them because I may refer directly to the Supreme Court; that is an overloaded court, and a court that is struggling to keep up with the business that it has to do. Complaint has been made here and I think with some justice, that that court is so overworked that we get the opinion of only one Judge on the review of a case. Now you propose to take to that court, --jump over the Appellate Courts, we will not consider them, --to take to that court appeals by the people and provide that the appeal shall not affect the rights of a man whose case is appealed. The man is tried; the court below has, it is assumed, ruled upon some question against the State, the prisoner is discharged; he cares no more about that case, and his lawyer cares no more about it either, he will not undertake to write ta brief, he will not undertake to argue it. I do.not say there would not be some cases where men might do it as a matter of pride, but, gentlemen, what lawyers in this busy day do as a matter of pride is very likely to be very poorly done. The way to get questions decided is to have an interest and to have a fight, and out of the.