Insect Pests and Fungus Diseases of Fruit and Hops; a Complete Manual for Growers

Insect Pests and Fungus Diseases of Fruit and Hops; a Complete Manual for Growers
Percival John Fryer


This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1920 edition. Excerpt: ...examined with a hand magnifier to detect the presence of the worm. Remedies The usual soil, Insecticides1 should be watered into the ground surrounding the plants, and if these are badly attacked, they should be taken up and burnt. SNAILS AND SLUGS Name Helix, various species, Limacidm Order Mollusca 1. General Description Adult Appearance, Etc. Too well known to need description. Appear All the year. Duration. Probably some years. Location. Under stones, etc. in daytime: on the leaves of plants at night. Remarks. Active after rain. See page 433. Ova (Eggs) Arrangement. In heaps of 10 to 50 or more. Location. In the soil. Appear In Usually August to November. Hatching Period. 2 to 3 weeks. Distribution Found universally in temperate climates. Life-history The slugs and snails are not all, or entirely, destructive to plants, as many feed upon worms and other slugs. They are particularly active after rain. During the winter they hide in a dormant state under stones, debris, etc., living in some cases many years. 2. Economic Plants Attacked Strawberries arte the chief sufferers, though most small plants are attacked. Nature of Attack Both the fruit and the leaves are eaten. Natural Enemies The thrush is the most beneficial bird, devouring many hundreds of snails and slugs. Remedies 1. Pen ducks amongst the plants: these devour the slugs greedily. 2. Dress the ground with soot and lime. 3. Sprinkle SOIL iNSliCtlClDES1 over the surface. 1 See pages 392, 433. SECTION V INSECTICIDES SECTION V INSECTICIDES CHAPTER 25 Introduction Insecticides may be divided into five main classes: 1. Stomach Poisons, 2. Contact Poisons, 3. Corrosive Poisons, 4. Fumigants, 5. Preventives. 1. Stomach poisons are employed against Eating Insects (i.e. those which...