The Devil's Rebellion and the Reason Why

The Devil's Rebellion and the Reason Why
Charles Fremont May


This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1910 edition. Excerpt: ... THE DEI IDS TREASON. CHAPTER V. In which is told how the devil rebels and seizes a system of worlds. Let us go back--beyond time. Place: --In the eternal heavens. Persons: --God, the "Word," and the Holy Spirit, (three or one as God hath need, ) and the angels, of whom the devil was the principal one of three chiefs, generals, or captains; Michael and Gabriel, the other two. Occupation: --First, "by the Word" God created matter. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without L Dan. 10:13-20; Dan. 8:16. him was not anything made that was made." Occupation: --Second, out of the matter which God created (by the Word), the angels constructed worlds, hurled and guided them on their courses. Why not? In this world, man takes matter and shapes material things of power, manufactures ponderous engines, even generates electricity, an indescribable God-like force, by which wireless telegraphy becomes possible; Electricity--half brother to the Holy Spirit. In some remote part of God's universe there was still room for achievement, and God said, "Let us make another system of worlds." The devil was delegated to form the system. With a third part of the angels of heaven this great captain repaired to the remote station, perhaps a billion miles from God's central seat of govern ment, where trillions of tons of fiery matter were separated into many monstrous fragments. Then, by their Godgiven might, the devil and his angels made each one revolve; thus spheres were quickly formed and hurled in circles through the ethereal blue, around a remnant fiery ball, a sun, until a crust had formed and cooled upon their outer surfaces. And now the real...