This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1900 edition. Excerpt: ...about elbow," has been confirmed as an indication. " Debility from loss of tone of digestive organs, or liver, or from exhausting diseases " (Hale). One to five-drop doses of the tincture have been given. Relations.--Compare: Chi., Chenop., Cina, Helon., Hydrast., and (according to Burnett), especially Carduus mar. (left lobe of liver). Compare also other Scrofularias, Grat., Dig., Tabac., Scrof. nod. Chenopodium Anthelminticum. Worm-seed. N. 0. Chenopodiacere. Tincture of fresh plant. Solution of oil of seed. Clinical.--Aphasia. Apoplexy. Asthma. Cerebral deafness. Convulsions. Dropsy. Epilepsy. Headache. Hemicrania. Hemiplegia. Leucorrhoea. Menses, suppressed. Paralysis. Scapula, pain in. Tinnitus. Tonsillitis. Characteristics.--The most characteristic pain of Chenopodium is a dull pain below the angle of right scapula, and nearer the spine than the analogous pain of Clielidonium. Chenopodii glauci Aphis (see Aphis) has a similar pain below angle of left scapula. Several cases of poisoning have been reported in which all the symptoms of apoplexy and consequent right hemiplegia with aphasia were reproduced. Stertorous breathing, with a very peculiar rattle as of a ball rolling loose in the trachea. Heavy breathing with flapping of cheeks. Other symptoms are: Vanishing of sight and roaring in ears with (right) hemicrania. Roaring in ears as of cannons going off, also ringing; deafness. Subacute and chronic enlargement of tonsils in pale, scrofulous children. Caseous deposits with painful inflammation of tonsils. Rough, furry feeling in throat. Menses suppressed; leucorrhoea instead. Pains through heart; under right scapula, and in right shoulder. Fever after a fright. In three cases of poisoning reported by Allen the following symptoms...