History of Buchanan County, Iowa, and Its People

History of Buchanan County, Iowa, and Its People
Harry Church Chappell


This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1914 edition. Excerpt: ...five hundred acres of valuable land. His demise occurred on the 1st of January, 1895. He was a Presbyterian in religious faith and a worthy exemplar of the Masonic fraternity. His wife had come to the United States with her parents in 1844 and the family home was established in Illinois, in which state she was married. The young couple then took up their abode in Black Hawk county, Iowa. To them were born nine children, as follows: Eliza, Agnes, Frank, J. L., William, Mary, F. C, Nettie and George. John L. Walker was reared under the parental roof and obtained his education in the public schools. After putting aside his text-books he assisted in the operation of the home farm for two years and subsequently purchased a tract of land adjoining the homestead, cultivating the same for twelve years. On the expiration of that period he purchased his present farm of three hundred and twenty acres in Westburg township, Buchanan county, which he has operated continuously and successfully since, annually harvesting bounteous crops which find a ready sale on the market. In 1884 Mr. Walker was united in marriage to Miss Eleanor Hallmon, a daughter of Samuel Hallmon, who is a native of Pennsylvania and settled in Black Hawk county, Iowa, in 1867. He is now living retired at Jesup. Mr. and Mrs. Walker have nine children, namely: F. F., Robert W., Blanche E., Ruth A., Karl E., Quincy S., Dewey E., John P. and William K. The religious faith of the family is that of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Walker enjoys the confidence and esteem of all who know him, and while he has attained to individual prosperity, has done much toward raising agricultural standards and has contributed by his labor toward making this one of the most prosperous farming sections of...