This book consists of articles from Wikia or other free sources online. Pages: 170. Chapters: Acoustics, Auditory illusions, Auditory localization, Auditory system, Distance perception, Listening, Music, Sound, Speech perception, Absolute threshold of hearing, Acoustical measurements and instrumentation, Acoustic intensity, Anechoic chamber, Auditory event, Auditory localization, Auditory stimulation, Aural space, Binaural beats, Bioacoustics, Decibel, Equal-loudness contour, Equal-loudness contours, Fletcher-Munson curves, Harmonic series, Head-related transfer function, Head shadow, Infrasound, Loudness, Musical acoustics, Music theory, Noise pollution, Otoacoustic emission, Otoacoustic emissions, Psychoacoustics, Reverberation, Simultaneous masking, Sone, Temporal masking, Threshold of hearing, Underwater acoustics, Binaural beats, Deutsch tritone paradox, Doppler effect, Glissando illusion, Illusory continuity of tones, McGurk effect, Octave illusion, Shepard tone, Tinnitus, Animal echolocation, Head shadow, Interaural intensity difference, Owls - auditory localization, Absolute pitch, Absolute threshold of hearing, Auditory acuity, Auditory discrimination, Auditory event, Auditory hallucinations, Auditory illusions, Auditory imagery, Auditory localization, Auditory masking, Auditory perception at birth, Auditory stimulation, Auditory thresholds, Aural space, Binaural fusion, Development of auditory perception, Doppler effect, Head-related transfer function, Head shadow, Interaural differences, Interaural intensity difference, Interaural time difference, Loudness discrimination, Motor theory of speech perception, Neurophysiology of auditory perception, Otogenic tone, Perception of sound, Psychoacoustics, Psychological effects of exposure to white noise, Rayleigh's duplex theory, Reverberation, Simultaneous masking, Sound power, Sound power level, Sound pressure, Speech perception, Stereophonic sound, Temporal masking, Tinnitus, Acoustic nerve, Acoustic...