A guide for prospective college students answers questions on such subjects as the academic strengths and weaknesses, the amount of student/faculty contact, and housing and food quality for more than three hundred schools in North America.
However , this 31st edition of The In- special care to review our entire book to sider's Guide to the Colleges will provide ensure that it provides an accurate poryou with the tools necessary to give you an trayal of life at each of 315 ...
Now in its 27th year, The Insider's Guide to the Colleges is an intelligent, sometimes irreverent, compilation of student-written articles about every aspect of college life, from cafeteria food to...
What is the typical weekend schedule? “Friday everyone relaxes during the day, then goes to a house party or something on ... FYI Minnesota Address: 231 Pillsbury Drive SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455-0213 Phone: 612-625-2008 E-mail address: ...
No matter how excited , That is where The Insider's Guide fits scared , or nervous you are about the col- in . In this 30th edition , we have taken spelege process , you have begun your search cial care to review our entire book to enon ...
The Insider's Guide to the Colleges
Yale Daily News Staff. Connecticut. Connecticut. College. Address: 270 Mohegan Avenue, New London, CT 06320 Phone: 860-439-2200 E-mail address: ... Percent from Public HS: 55% Title Page Connecticut Connecticut College.
The Insider's Guide to the Colleges, Nineteen Eighty-One to Eighty-Two
Most college guides tell applicants what college administrators want them to know. This guide is written by college students--the people most qualified to describe what it's really like on campus.
What is the typical weekend schedule? “Friday everyone relaxes during the day then goes to a house party or something on ... FYI Minnesota Address: 231 Pillsbury Drive SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455-0213 Phone: 612-625-2008 E-mail address: ...
Look no further than Cincinnati. This “not-that-spread-out” campus located in scenic downtown Cincinnati, Ohio, has everything a student could want . . . at least, it will after the construction is finished.