In an alternate universe where Nazi Germany is the dominant superpower, Daniel Carter begins working for a German secret security service to uncover a conspiracy behind a major scientific project.
From author Jonathan L. Howard comes the start of a thrilling supernatural series that brings the H.P. Lovecraft mythos into the twenty-first century, optioned by Warner Bros TV. Daniel Carter used to be a homicide detective, but his last ...
In this book, Kas Saghafi argues that the notion of “the end the world” in Derrida’s late work is not a theological or cosmological matter, but a meditation on mourning and the death of the other.
From the imagination of legendary animator and two-time Oscar nominee Don Hertzfeldt comes a hilarious fever-dream vision of the apocalypse, now available in wide release for the first time since the rare original edition sold out.
Engaging with the work of M. Jacqui Alexander and Black feminist thought more generally, Alexis Pauline Gumbs's M Archive is a series of prose poems that speculatively documents the survival of Black people following a worldwide cataclysm ...
Adoration: The Deconstruction of Christianity II. Translated by John McKeane. New York: Fordham University Press, 2013. C Corpus. Paris: Métailié, 1992. “Consolation, désolation.” Magazine littéraire, April 2004, 58– 60.
This is no ordinary apocalypse.
I. Thanksgiving after the End of the World II. Whatever Happened to Santa? III. Holiday Looting at the Mall IV. Letters to Santa V. Doomsday Holiday Prep 11 VI. Christmas Tree Decorating for the Apocalypse VII. Christmas Day after the ...
Cassie Forrest could almost believe life at Kingdom Come Farm is perfect, with Adrian and her friends at her side and spring on the way.
The resulting novel is a fable of Latin American revolutionary history, an unforgettable story of passion, violence, and the devastation that follows from fanaticism.
The final book of the Bible, Revelation prophesies the ultimate judgement of mankind in a series of allegorical visions, grisly images and numerological predictions.