Baseball and the struggle to keep the game going at home during the war; the pivotal role played by President Rooseve Taking their place were replacement players who didn't belong in the majors in the first place, but whose resolve to see the game go on helped push the country to victory. Pete Gray was the most extreme replacement player of them all - a one-armed outfielder who played the 1945 season with the Browns. He overcame the odds to fulfill his dream and in doing so became a shining example of baseball on the home front. Together, everyone pulled together for victory, and Greenberg and Gray played each other in the last pennant race of World War II, because as FDR said before he died…The Game Must Go On.
Traces the life of Avery Brundage, his sixty-year association with the Olympics, and indicates his contributions to the modern Olympic movement
The Games Must Go on
Leela, the Game of Self-knowledge: Commentaries