She can no longer cope. And just as everything seems to be slipping beyond her control, in a moment of desperation, she boards a train and runs away. Her journey leads her to a tiny seaside village in the South of France. Taken in by cafe owner Maman and her twenty-year-old son, Emeline discovers a world completely new to her: of oranges, olives and wild herbs, the raw, rich tastes of the land. But when a love affair develops as passionate as the flavors of the village, secrets from home begin blowing in.
"It is 1919, but the end of the war has not brought peace for Emeline Vane.
Table of Contents Introduction to Cherries Introduction Growing Cherries Budding Choosing the Right Plants Best Varieties of Cherries Maintenance of Cherry Trees Pruning Your Cherry Tree Root pruning Sour Cherries Planting Sour Cherries ...
Table of Contents Introduction to Cherries Introduction Growing Cherries Budding Choosing the Right Plants Best Varieties of Cherries Maintenance of Cherry Trees Pruning Your Cherry Tree Root pruning Sour Cherries Planting Sour Cherries ...
This is the story of its origins, its history, and the threat to its future, by the IACP Award–winning author of Darjeeling.
How to Create a Customized Herb Garden to Support Your Health and Well-Being Maria Noel Groves. Look for wild cherry trees in spring when the white clusters of flowers bloom, or scan treetops for tent ...
It is the Cadillac of plant foods, actually more than just a food because of its beneficial effects on a soil's biological, physical, and nutritive properties. Any pile of organic material will eventually become compost, but containing ...
He had no choice but to follow Maurice's suggestion and head for the Boulevard Saint-Martin. Outside, he asked the driver of a horse-drawn cab for directions. 'Follow your nose,' was the only answer he received.
Wild cherry trees growing in a woodland edge on the Chiltern Hills. Distinctive horizontal fissures, called lenticels (derived from their lenticular, or lens-like, shape), are visible on the otherwise smooth bark.
In the dead of night, with blood on her hands, she made her escape.
glittered in a thin layer across the bottom, like frost. I drew my fingers through it, scraped up a scant pinch. Before the war, we'd used salt without ...