A lyrical picture book biography of Simone Biles, gymnastics champion and Olympic superstar. Before she was a record-breaking gymnast competing on the world stage, Simone Biles spent time in foster care as a young child. Nimble and boundlessly energetic, she cherished every playground and each new backyard. When she was six years old, Simone's family took shape in a different way. Her grandparents Ron and Nellie Biles adopted Simone and her sister Adria. Ron and Nellie became their parents. Simone was also introduced to gymnastics that same year, launching a lifelong passion fueled by remarkable talent, sacrifice, and the undying support of her family. From her athletic early childhood to the height of her success as an Olympic champion, Flying High is the story of the world's greatest gymnast from author Michelle Meadows and illustrator Ebony Glenn.
This book discusses the life of the determined African American woman who went all the way to France in order to earn her pilot's license in 1921.
In Flying High, William F. Buckley Jr. offers his lyrical remembrance of a singular era in American politics, and a tribute to the modern Conservative movement's first presidential standard-bearer, Barry Goldwater.
Tony Fernandes, pendiri dan CEO Group salah satu maskapai terbaik di dunia, dikenal sebagai sosok yang berani mengambil sikap dan apa adanya.
The true story of Flying High was originally intended to chronicle the amazing life of one writer; remarkably, the process of its creation helped rescue the life of his co-author.
The book will amuse some and cause many to shake their heads in disbelief.
FLYING HIGH U.S. marine Colonel Nelson Wainwright was lucky to make it back from Afghanistan alive after his helicopter went down in a blaze of machine gunfire.
Flying High is a whimsically illustrated picture book which follows a young girl as she dreams of flying a kite.
The Life of Eugene Bullard Obiora N. Anekwe. Flying High Above PARIS SKIES The Life of Eugene Bullard OBIORA N. ANEKWE Copyright © 2018 by Obiora N. Anekwe. Library of Congress.
Scripture quotations marked “nkjv” are taken from The New King James Version / Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers. Copyright © 1982. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
A proud flying fish named Jim is rescued from a tree by Olukun, the Chief of the Water.