But one of the most poignant areas for the lessons of Mondragon is in countries where socialists are in power and are persisting on the socialist path. Raul Castro, for example, in bringing needed reform to Cuba's economy, has scheduled ...
85 Years of the Singapore Police Co-operative: A People's Co-operative
McQueen moved to Fort Dodge , as vice - president of Felco , continuing with the Sheldon plant as one of his responsibilities . Bill Lester then became the manager of the Sheldon plant . Dom M The plant was large and elaborate ...
West Coast Cooperative Directory and Resource Guide
This is the account of the Co-operative Federation of Victoria Ltd over the last 10 years - its experiences, successes and failures.
Power in Many Hands: Adams-Columbia Electric Cooperative
This is a useful reference book which can be consulted conveniently by those looking up for information. The book covers everything relevant currently in regional planning.
With the editor of New Scientist, Roger Highfield, he explains in this groundbreaking book that cooperation is central to the four-billion-year-old puzzle of life - how molecules in the primordial soup first crossed the watershed that ...
Puesto que la cooperativa debe precisar al máximo la jornada y su distribución parece razonable que pueda utilizar ... de haber optado por el trabajo a tiempo parcial la cooperativa es evidente que una cierta aproximación se produce al ...
Members of an ongoing food buying cooperative discuss its start up and operation.
History, theory and strategy -- Collective action and solidarity in practice.