Wild, Managerial Accounting responds to the market’s need for an integrated solution with balanced managerial content that has a corporate approach throughout. Its innovation is reflected in its extensive use of small business examples, the integration of new technology learning tools, superior end-of-chapter material, and a highly engaging, pedagogical design. McGraw-Hill Education's complete digital solution, Connect, provides students every advantage as they strive to understand the key concepts of managerial accounting and its role in business. Wild, Managerial Accounting can be used in partnership with Wild, Financial Accounting Fundamentals (FAF) for the introductory financial accounting course preceding the managerial course in a two-course sequence. Wild, FAF provides an integrated solution that uses the same pedagogy and framework as Wild, Managerial Accounting. Connect Accounting provides a complete digital solution with a robust online learning and homework management system, an integrated media-rich eBook, assignable end-of-chapter material, algorithmic functionality, and reporting capabilities. Contained within Connect Accounting is an adaptive learning system, LearnSmart, which is designed to help students learn faster, study more efficiently, and retain more knowledge for greater success. In addition, Interactive Presentations deliver learning objectives in an interactive environment, giving students access to course-critical content anytime, anywhere. Guided Examples provide students with narrated and animated, step-by-step walkthroughs of algorithmic versions of assigned exercises.
A second disadvantage is that participative budgeting can foster budgetary “gaming” through budgetary slack. Budgetary slack occurs when managers intentionally underestimate budgeted revenues or overestimate budgeted expenses in order ...
As the long-time best-seller, Garrison has helped guide close to 3 million students through managerial accounting since it was first published. It identifies the three functions managers must perform within...
Known for its "You Get What You Measure" framework, this edition presents an updated focus on building students' decision-making and critical thinking skills through incremental analysis and data analytics coverage.
This is an introductory course in Management Accounting.
Managerial Accounting 101 — get a taste of what managerial accounting is, why it's important, and the important aspects of accounting that every businessperson needs to know The world of costs — discover the nature of different kinds of ...
... Walsh College Don Foster, Tacoma Community College Amy Fredin, St. Cloud State University Peter Frischmann, ... University of North Alabama Jason Lee, SUNY—Plattsburgh Bruce Leung, City College of San Francisco William Link, ...
Objectives of Management Accounting
Managerial Accounting 101 get a taste of what managerial accounting is, why it's important, and the important aspects of accounting that every businessperson needs to know The world of costs discover the nature of different kinds of costs, ...
Written by Douglas DeVidal. Contains chapter focus suggestions, read and recall questions, and self-test questions.
Its manageable chapters and clear presentation point students toward understanding, just as the needle of the compass provides direction to travelers. However, the book's authors also understand that everyone's destination may be different.