The Fifth Canadian Edition of Retailing Management reflects the evolving nature of retailing, including up-to-date data, current and Canadian examples, and cutting edge information on trends in retailing. Focusing on a broad spectrum of retailers, Levy uniquely examines key strategic issues with an emphasis on the financial considerations and store management issues that are particular to the Canadian experience.
With the growing interest in cultures of consumption, this book should be useful to specialists and students in retail history, human geography and social and cultural history."--Bloomsbury Publishing.
... West 410-957-0422 18 0.1 Benson Farmers Cooperative PO Box 407 Benson IL 61516 Dean Backer 309-394-2293 17 < 0.1 Carolane Propane Gas Inc. 339 S Main St Lexington NC 27292 CH Timberlake III 910-249-8981 17 0.1 Agland Cooperative PO ...
... Market Wholesale 564 Marketplace MCI 73 Marks & Spencer 644 , 658 , 659 Mark's Market 73 Mark's Work Wearhouse 73 , 92 , 601 , 602 , 653 , 654 Maronick , Thomas J. 595 Marriott Hotels 489 , 576 Martin , Jody 12 Martinez , Arthur C.
Shopping on the Goldfield: Let's Compare Prices
New to This Edition *Introductory vignettes provide an example of how a stellar retailer can be particularly successful by excelling in the subject area for that particular chapter. *Retailing views provide new and updated stories that ...
MKT 312: Retailing
Revised edition of the authors' Retailing management, [2014]
This edition focuses on a broad spectrum of retailers. Levy uniquely examines key strategic issues with an emphasis on the financial considerations and store management issues that are particular to the Canadian experience.
Essentials of Retailing
The Cunningham Connection In an effort to regain its competitiveness in 1957 and possibly save the company , Frank Williams , then president of the S.S. Kresge Company , nominated Harry B. Cunningham as general vice - president .