Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The BEST EDITION yet of the #1 text for surgical practice and education For half-a-century, no other text has provided such a solid grounding in basic science, anatomy, operative techniques, and more recently, professional development and leadership training, as Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery. Written by the world’s foremost surgeons, this landmark reference offers distinctly modern and all-encompassing coverage of every important topic in general surgery. Enhanced by a new two volume presentation, the Eleventh Edition has been completely updated and refreshed with an emphasis on state-of-the-art, evidence-based surgical care. You will find an exciting array of new contributors from around the world, new chapters on cutting-edge topics, plus the acclaimed learning aids that make the material easier to understand and memorize. This outstanding content is bolstered by more than 800 photographs and 1,300 line drawings, most in full color, as well as online videos demonstrating key operations. Here’s why the Eleventh Edition is the best edition yet: Six timely new chapters on important topics such as enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS), ambulatory/outpatient surgery, evidence for surgery practice, skills and simulation, and web-based education and social media High-quality full-color design showcases an unsurpassed illustration program Emphasis on high-yield discussion of diagnosis and treatment of surgical disease, arranged by organ system and surgical specialty Acclaimed learning aids (many new to this edition), including an abundance of completely up-to-date tables that summarize the most current evidence, boxed key points, detailed anatomical figures, diagnostic and management algorithms, and an abundance of completely up-to-date tables, and key references More than the field’s cornerstone textbook, Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery is an international compendium of the knowledge and technique of the world’s leading surgeons.
MacDonald KG Jr, Long SD, Swanson MS, et al. The gastric bypass operation ... Long-term mortality after gastric bypass surgery. NEnglJMed. 2007;357:753-761. ... Dixon JB, Pories WJ, O'Brien PE, et al. Surgery as an effective early ...
Resource added for the Surgical Technologist program 315121.
... Norwood WI: Fontan operation: Influence of modifications on morbidity and mortality. Ann Thorac Surg 58:945, 1994. Culbert EL, Ashburn DA, Cullen-Dean G, et al: Quality of life after repair of transposition of the great arteries.
60. Letourneau PA, Shackett B, Xiao L, et al. Resection of pulmonary metastases in pediatric patients with Ewing sarcoma improves survival. J Pediatr Surg 2011;46(2):332–335. 61. Denbo JW, Shannon Orr W, Wu Y, et al.
How does one become a successful leader? This book teaches the theories and concepts behind leadership and explains the skills and traits needed to become a good leader.
... III, MD, FACS, FCCM LaSalle D. Leffall, Jr., MD Professor and Chairman of Surgery Howard University College of Medicine Surgeon-in-Chief Howard University Hospital Washington, DC INJURIESTO THE SMALL AND LARGE BOWEL David Cosgrove, ...
Featuring hundreds of illustrations, photos, and tables, this is an essential resource for certification and recertification exam review. 54 updated chapters―all aligned with the latest American Board of Surgery Qualifying Board ...
The wide scope of this book ensures coverage of the most common general surgery procedures and the most common operations that faculty, residents and students encounter.
This book will be essential reading for all colorectal surgeons and trainees, general surgeons and trainees, gynecologists as well as specialist nurses in the OR room.
McVayCB,Anson BJ. A fundamental error in current methods of inguinal herniorrhaphy. SurgGynecol Obstet. 1942;74:746–750. 7.Barbier J, Carretier MD, RicherJP.Cooper ligamentrepair: anupdate. WorldJ Surg. 1.