"This bestselling on-the-job reference and test preparation guide has been fully revised for the new 2015 CompTIA A+ exam objectivesWritten by the leading authority on CompTIA A+ certification and training, this self-study book and CD has been thoroughly updated to cover 100% of the exam objectives on the 2015 CompTIA A+ exams. New topics include managing and maintaining cellular devices, including tablets; configuring operating systems, including Windows 8, Android, and iOS; and enhanced, mobile-centered security and troubleshooting procedures. CompTIA A+® Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, Ninth Edition (Exams 220-901 & 220-902) enables you to take the test with complete confidence. It also serves as a practical reference for IT support and technical personnel. The bonus CD-ROM includes practice exam for both exam 901 and 902 with hundreds of accurate practice exam questions, more than an hour of Mike Meyers training videos, performance based simulations, free PC tools, and a PDF copy of the book. Written with the "in the trenches" voice and clarity Mike Meyers is known for Features pre-assessment tests, exam tips, and "Try This!" sections to reinforce difficult topics Includes a coupon for 10% off of the exam fee, a $37 value "--
Pearson Education Ltd. , London Pearson Education Australia Pty . Limited , Sydney Pearson Education Singapore , Pte . Ltd. Pearson Education North Asia Ltd. , Hong Kong Pearson Education Canada , Ltd. , Toronto Pearson Educacion de ...
CompTIA A+ Quick Reference (220-801 and 220-802), Barnes & Noble Exclusive
CompTIA A+ 220-901 and 220-902: Cert Guide
Material is presented in a concise manner, focusing on increasing your understanding and retention of exam topics. The book presents you with an organized test preparation routine through the use of proven series elements and techniques.
The book presents you with an organized test preparation routine through the use of proven series elements and techniques. Key Topics icons call attention to the information that''s most crucial to know for the exam.
CompTIA A+ 220-801 and 220-802 Approved Cert Guide, Deluxe Edition, Video Enhanced Edition
A+ Certification Study Guide Scott Mueller, Mark Edward Soper ... from our Web- or classroom - based training programs Current IT news Software downloads Career - enhancing resources InformIT is a registered trademark of Pearson .
Bill Lund.
PC Technician Training Guide
PC Technician Training Guide