Cowan's Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach is the perfect fit to align with your course. Here's why: *Contributions from a practicing nurse help students see how the content fits in their lives and relates to their future career. *A briefer text means all core concepts are covered, but streamlined to better fit the length of your course. *A more modern, visual text and digital learning package fits with today's students and the way they learn. Users who purchase Connect® receive access to the full online eBook version of the textbook.
Cowan’s Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach is The Perfect Fit to align with your course.
Connect is aligned with the text and provides a highly reliable, easy-to-use homework and learning management solution that embeds learning science and award-winning adaptive tools to improve student results.
Revised edition of: Microbiology fundamentals: a clinical approach / Marjorie Kelly Cowan, Jennifer Herzog. 2013.
This laboratory manual for allied health or general microbiology has been written with the student in mind.
And then I worked backward from there, making sure everything pointed to the big picture. While this book has enough detail to give you context, there is not so much detail that you will lose sight of the major principles.
However, most humans don't pick their mates by smelling sweaty T-shirts. So, Craig Roberts at the University of Liverpool wondered if there was a relationship between human faces and MHC. After determining the MHC for a large group, ...
Cowan’s Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach is The Perfect Fit to align with your course.
Laboratory Manual for Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach
Pommerville’s Fundamentals of Microbiology, Eleventh Edition makes the difficult yet essential concepts of microbiology accessible and engaging for students’ initial introduction to this exciting science.
Thoroughly updated, the new Fifth Edition adds coverage of the ever-expanding tool chest of new and extraordinary molecular methods to address many of the roles that microorganisms play in the production, preservation, and safety of foods.