McGraw-Hill Education SAT Subject Test Chemistry, Fifth Edition

McGraw-Hill Education SAT Subject Test Chemistry, Fifth Edition
Study Aids
McGraw Hill Professional
Thomas A. Evangelist


We Will Help You Get Your Best Score! With more than 125 years of experience in education, McGraw-Hill Education is the name you trust to deliver results. This MHE guide is the most comprehensive and relevant SAT Subject Test prep tool on the market. This edition provides: •5 full-length practice tests with thorough answer explanations•A comprehensive review of all Chemistry concepts essential to success on the SAT Subject Test•An extensive overview of the format of the test based on the most recent SAT Chemistry exams•Unique test-taking strategies and tips recommended by teachers to help you raise your score•A customizable study plan to help you maximize the time you have to prepare TOP 40 LISTThe book includes a description of the 40 topics that are most crucial to know before you take the Subject Test in Chemistry TEST-TAKING STRATEGIESLearn unique tips developed by teachers to help you avoid the test maker’s traps.

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